Sunday, August 3, 2008

I do not know the definition of weekend...

I always thought that "weekend" meant having time off to do those things you can't do during week. Maybe even doing something fun. It suddenly occurs to me that weekend means that for some people, but for me it means, I don't go to the office.

I do make plans like normal people--usually. Ok, sometimes; however, I end up doing about 25% of the things I WANT to do and about 100% more work than I want to do.

This weekend:
Planned: finish all my work up Friday night, so I could catch up domestically (grocery shopping, dishes, vacuuming, etc) and actually spend some time with the boy. We had a birthday party Saturday and a trip to the pool planed for Sunday. Puppy training class Sunday morning. Also, I hoped to sleep since weekdays net to about 4-5 hrs. a night.

Actual: all holy hell broke loose with a production problem, so planned Friday work deferred to Saturday. Worked 4 hrs. Friday night to resolve issue. Handed off to other team members. Worked 4 hrs. Saturday morning and encounter same bug we just dealt with in production. Had to leave for errands and party. Receive 4 emergency emails and a voicemail during one 2 hr. birthday party. Person on team with next task is not available--decided to go to mountains (wtf? I'm going to decide to go to mountains with production problem--watch me get fired for that) Can I please do that? equals another 2 hrs. Plan to finish deferred work Saturday night to at least salvage Sunday. Power outage for 4 hrs. 6:30-9:15. Too tired to work. Manage 30 min. Go to bed. Get up at 6 on Sunday to work on original weekend task. Continue to encounter bug --work for 3 hrs. troubleshooting. Go to puppy class, finish errands, do chores with attempts to work on problem equaling another 2 hrs.

This weekend is a worse disaster than most. Everything is broken, no one is reachable, and everyone wants this shit by Monday. Of course, I didn't introduce the bug that is currently wreaking havoc. As work goes, I have had worse weekends of course--with more hours especially, but I especially hate when not one thing goes right.

So here it is 4pm on Sunday and I am more tired than I was on Friday. Last week sucked ass and this one isn't looking much better. Fantastic.

Fuck it, I'm done for the weekend. The bug is going to have to wait until Monday morning.
I have a kid, a dog, and a house I mostly ignored all weekend. Bite me.

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